October 26

“Not Just Another Workout App”


If you get the chance to talk to Kane Sivesind and Trevor Wittwer, the co-founders of Coach Catalyst, they'll tell you they built Coach Catalyst not to be just another workout app. And that's a mission most of us coaches and personal trainers can get behind.

The truth is that there are tons of workout builders and apps on the market. If you run a gym or have an online coaching business, you've likely heard of them before: Trainerize, PT Distinction, TrueCoach, and the list goes on. Those fitness apps serve a purpose, and we would never knock them or their platforms. However, if your goal is to run a successful business, you need more than a fancy workout builder or exercise library.

You need an app to facilitate real-life results and progress for your clients. In addition, you need something that is simple to use, fosters compliance, and keeps your clients accountable to their goals.

The best workout apps on the market won't do that, but Coach Catalyst will.

Marketing Brings You Prospects—Results Bring You Paying Clients.

Ever notice how some of the best coaches on the planet have some of the most mediocre marketing imaginable? Heck, it's possible they don't even have or use social media to begin with. Do you think they lack the skills to coach their clients at the highest level? No, of course not. Chances are, they're focused on doing their job, which is ensuring their clients crush their goals.

Business coaches will tell you that content is king, and they're not wrong. I mean, I'm writing this article, after all. So, if you want to post videos of you doing Turkish get-ups to draw potential clients in, please do. Just remember, the bells and whistles you use to attract clients to you often don't get your clients results--you do. And at the end of the day, results are the cornerstone of your business.

So you should use software that helps guarantee your clients see and feel progress, and you should reconsider using fancy fitness apps that try to hook you in with features you don't even need.

Still don't believe me? Ask yourself these questions honestly.

Do my clients need heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, integrations with an Apple Watch, and unlimited workout options?


Do my clients need to stay accountable, build motivation, and see real-time progress?

We both know the answer.

Just remember, the bells and whistles you use to attract clients to you often don't get your clients results--you do.

Habit Change Means Everything.

At the peak of Precision Nutrition's fame, Dr. Berardi and his team urged our industry to take daily habit change seriously. Now, you won't find a nutrition coach or personal trainer who doesn't employ habit change strategies in their business. Unsurprisingly, Coach Catalyst has always been ahead of the curve.

One of the staple features of Coach Catalyst is that you can customize daily habits and tasks, and you can coordinate or plan them for weeks or months. Need your clients to focus on drinking 2 liters of water every day? Done. Want them to check off that they did 10 minutes of meditation? Easy.

What's more, clients are prompted when they're missing habits and rewarded with streak bonuses when they're nailing their daily tasks. As a result, we have some Coach Catalyst users with clients hitting 300+ day streaks with their daily habits, which is incredible.

Build your programs or courses to fit your client's needs, and watch how successful you both become.

Communication Is Key.

Cookie-cutter programs can work for some people. Every now and again, all it takes for someone to change is good timing and a willingness to put the work in. But, those situations are rare. Most people need to be guided and coached through programs to see the progress they want. And Coach Catalyst has a few unique ways to facilitate better communication and growth with your clients.

First and foremost, when you use Coach Catalyst, your client communication is hosted in one place with real-time messaging. You can send text, audio, video, and attachments as needed, and you can do that to multiple groups at once. You can also schedule messages in advance within courses/programs or in an individual client's journey.

More recently, we added group communication through our Communities feature. So, if you are interested in building an online community, you can do it directly in Coach Catalyst. This gives your clients a place to interact with one another, ask questions, swap tips, and more. You can also use that space to release updates, news, or content if you see fit.

Just remember, we highly recommend consolidating your communication to one app to save you time and energy. So keep your inbox light, but keep your communication heavy with Coach Catalyst.

The Easiest Workout Builder Ever Made.

I realize this entire article is about everything but a workout app. However, I would be doing Coach Catalyst a disservice if I didn't mention the workout builder.

Strength training is an essential component of most clients' fitness programs. Sure, they can do yoga sessions or other group fitness classes, but most people must get in the gym and put themselves through some form of weight training. So, we highly encourage you to integrate workouts, either at home or in the gym, in some capacity.

Thankfully, Coach Catalyst's workout builder is one of the easiest to use. You can quite literally build a 3-day workout program in a matter of minutes, and it will still get the job done. You can see Kane showcasing the workout builder in this blog if you don't believe me.

Kane also recently said something that stuck with me, and it bears repeating.

"Online coaching is less about training plans and more about putting clients through the program. It's the coaching and accountability to the program that matters most."

So, don't spend hours on end building programs and putting endless thought into every single minute detail possible. Instead, stick to what works, build quick and accessible programs for your clients to crush, and then make sure your clients do it.

We're Not Just Another Workout App.

It bears repeating. There's a lot more to your client's results than whether or not they complete workouts. Use an app like Coach Catalyst that can highlight what makes you a better coach than most by showcasing your talent outside of the gym.

Are you interested in using a free app? Then, try Coach Catalyst for free for 14 days to see why it's one of the most sought-after coaching apps on the market.

Don't forget. Coach Catalyst is compatible with iOS and Android, and if you white label your own app, we can feature it on the app store.

Start your
14-day trial

Get started today with the #1 Software for Overwhelmed Coaches to start scaling your business without adding any extra work. Be up and running within 5 minutes!


Brian has spent the last 12 years fine-tuning his skills as a coach and movement specialist to help people move and feel better than ever before. He has worked with and learned from some of the industry's most revered coaches and personal trainers, like Adam Bornstein, Tim Skwiat, and Justin Kavanaugh. He has held multiple certifications through Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Precision Nutrition (Pn2), and ONNIT. In 2018, Brian founded Motive Training, a personal training organization that teaches clients how to move with purpose, ensuring they have a well-rounded, functional body. You can find Motive Training in Grand Rapids, MI, and Austin, TX.

Website: www.movewithpurpose.com


Accountability, Accountability Coaching Software, Coach Catalyst, Coaching, coachinghabits, workoutapp

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