July 1

An Interview With A Coach Catalyst Superstar


We speak pretty highly about Coach Catalyst because it’s one of the easiest to use, customizable coaching apps on the market.

But don’t take our word for it. Meet Carrie Reynolds, Founder of My Positive Fitness.

Carrie Reynolds Coach Catalyst SuperCoach

Carrie once worked for an international software firm, traveling weekly and staying in hotels across the globe. It was challenging work, and she paid the price. As a result, Carrie was overweight, lacking energy, and feeling defeated. Then, one day, she walked into her private corner office and broke into tears, knowing she couldn’t keep this lifestyle up for much longer.

This pivotal moment kickstarted her journey toward better health, which led her to start My Positive Fitness. You can read more about her journey here.

I recently sat down with Carrie to discuss her journey and how she used Coach Catalyst to grow her business.

Brian: Thanks for taking the time to chat, Carrie. We really appreciate it.

You’ve been in the industry for quite some time. After all these years, what led you to try Coach Catalyst?

Carrie: I was looking for a way to scale the habit portion of my health coaching business. I looked into the offering from Precision Nutrition and then came across Coach Catalyst. It looked to be a much lower cost than Precision Nutrition offered; plus, there were some plug-ins with some of the other solutions I was using to deliver content to my clients.

Brian: That’s amazing! Scaling your coaching business is essential, but not at the cost of doing a subpar job. Kudos to you for finding a way to deliver a high-quality, scalable service. It’s not easy to do.

It sounds like you needed more tools at your disposal. What problems did Coach Catalyst solve for you?

Carrie: At first, scalability. I needed a way to get out of the day-to-day managing of clients and delivering health information to them. It was literally dragging me down, and I found it hard to support more than ten clients at a time. Think delivery of weekly meal plans, health lessons, etc. It then solved more problems that I didn’t even know I had, like client accountability and check-ins.

“It then solved more problems that I didn’t even know I had, like client accountability and check-ins.”

Brian: A highly-individualized business like yours needs to be customizable yet easy to use. That’s what we love about Coach Catalyst. Have you used any other software in the past? If so, what was your experience like?

Carrie: Yes. For the delivering workout plans, I utilized My PTHub. The experience was “ok” but was not ideal. The app was a little clunky, did not offer much flexibility once a workout schedule was assigned, and was riddled with bugs. Plus, being a United Kingdom company, the support was not always prompt. However, their pricing was very attractive at the time.

I looked at Trainerize and PT Distinction as replacements, but those solutions didn’t offer enough additional capability to switch from what I was using.

Fast forward two years, Coach Catalyst came out with their workout builder, so I decided to give it a shot. From day one, I was hooked! It was so much easier to navigate. I could build workouts in minutes, and I love that I can change workouts on the fly for my clients. For instance, if someone struggles with a particular exercise, I can swap it out for another one in minutes, right in the middle of their program! It’s amazing!

Brian: I love to hear that! I’ve tried almost every app and coaching software for my own coaching business, so I know how easy it is to bounce around and not land on a company that provides all the solutions you need.

It sounds like Coach Catalyst is the perfect software for you. What’s your favorite part about it?

Carrie: It’s hard to pick just one. I really love seeing when clients complete their actions and habits and that it keeps me notified. As the sole coach and business owner, I need to have a personal touch with each client, and keeping up with that can be a nightmare. Now, with CC, I can keep up with them and stay in touch with scheduled messages, etc.

I also enjoy the “streak” function. Let’s be honest; it’s hard to keep clients committed and engaged. But, using streaks lets clients see how their health habits are stacking up. For instance, I have clients coming up on their 300-day mark. No one wants to break their streak! And as a coach, I am thrilled to see them doing exactly as I preach, which is building health into their daily life. No excuses!

“As the sole coach and business owner, I need to have a personal touch with each client, and keeping up with that can be a nightmare. Now, with CC, I can keep up with them and stay in touch with scheduled messages.”

Brian: You’re a rock star. Do you have any other thoughts or feedback to share?

Carrie: Using Coach Catalyst helped me take my max client base of 10 to almost 90 clients. That’s 9x the growth!

For me, it’s essential to maintain a personal touch on a client’s journey; without Coach Catalyst, I would not have been able to scale and maintain my brand as a coach who is side by side with my clients in their journey.

Additionally, I use Coach Catalyst to track habits I would have otherwise struggled to keep up with. I can create and customize any and every habit imaginable (e.g., daily water intake, taking the stairs at the office, eating protein with every meal). It’s amazing, and I love it!

Brian: Thanks for taking the time, Carrie. We appreciate your insight. Keep up the incredible work!

Still on the fence about Coach Catalyst? No worries. Sign up for a 100% FREE trial today. It’s risk-free and guaranteed to help you refine and build your coaching business.

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Bio: Brian has spent the last 12 years fine-tuning his skills as a coach and movement specialist to help people move and feel better than ever before. He has worked with and learned from some of the industry’s most revered coaches and personal trainers, like Adam Bornstein, Tim Skwiat, and Justin Kavanaugh. He has held multiple certifications through Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Precision Nutrition (Pn2), and ONNIT. In 2018, Brian founded Motive Training, a personal training organization that teaches clients how to move with purpose, ensuring they have a well-rounded, functional body. You can find Motive Training in Grand Rapids, MI, and Austin, TX.

Website: www.movewithpurpose.com


Accountability, Coach Catalyst, Coaching, communication

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