September 9

Is Accountability Coaching Software Necessary?


Coach Catalyst is a software company, so it's safe to say we're biased toward using software to help businesses grow and prosper. Still, we get tons of questions about whether or not it's necessary to use accountability coaching software like Coach Catalyst to grow and scale a coaching business.

The truth is, we don't know. And it's not because we don't know whether or not Coach Catalyst is useful; it's because we don't know the ins and outs of your business.

The truth is, accountability coaching software isn't a dire necessity for every coach, as we talked about in this article. Instead, many trainers, life coaches, and executive coaches use email, text, or word documents to communicate and deliver their services.

Does that mean that is the best way to conduct business? Absolutely not. It's pretty easy to poke holes in text communication if that's your only way of running a coaching business, especially one that requires data management, habit tracking, content delivery, etc.

"If you are scaling your business or looking for ways to smoothly deliver your coaching practice to your clients, you should strongly consider using software."

However, if you are scaling your business or looking for ways to smoothly deliver your coaching practice to your clients, you should strongly consider using software like Coach Catalyst.

Here's why.

Organization Is Key.

We've polled hundreds of accountability coaches about what they need help with, and by and large, staying organized is at the top of the list.

Think of it this way. If you have 20 clients at various stages in their coaching journey, you likely have 20 different programs with different goals and metrics to keep track of. So that's 20 separate conversations with 20 people looking for the right tools to help them with their goals.

Suppose you use an accountability app like Coach Catalyst. In that case, you can centralize your communication, easily store data (e.g., client's successes), track habits (e.g., did you go for a walk today?), and ultimately, help your clients reach their goals.

Can you do all of that over email or by texting your clients on the phone? Sure, but career coaches need a platform that centralizes as many facets of their coaching practice as possible.

Because if you want a thriving business, you need to do more productive work that helps people improve while removing as many obstacles that drain your resources. And to do that, you need a system that efficiently organizes your business from beginning to end.

Customization Matters.

The best thing about Coach Catalyst is that you can customize almost every aspect of the app, allowing you to build your programs from scratch. So, for example, if you're an accountability coach, you can create any habit you want to progress. So if your client needs to focus on meditating each day, you can make that one of their daily targets.

The cool thing is that you can use Coach Catalyst to put as few or as many activities on your client's calendar as needed, and even better, you can track all of this data pretty easily on your client's dashboard.

You can also use Coach Catalyst to build more comprehensive courses and programs. There are no limitations on the daily habits/tasks that you create for your clients. So, if you want to develop a 3-month life-changing course in Coach Catalyst, you can.

Coach Catalyst is simple to use and easy to build, which is why people love it!

Scaling Is Hard.

Even if you don't have a full-fledged team, growing your business on your own and finding new clients is hard work. But, most importantly, when you grow, you don't want your current clientele to suffer; their progress and commitment to you is what allows you to scale in the first place.

When you use accountability apps like Coach Catalyst, you can maintain productivity with clients in real-time and still do the activities and things you need to grow your business: posting on social media, hosting events, learning at seminars, etc.

If you're a coach, you'll never stop coaching, but you cannot spend time doing things that might sink your ship. Coach Catalyst will help highlight your coaching strengths, bolster your weaknesses, and give you everything you need to scale your platform.

Is Accountability Coaching Software Necessary? Answer These Questions.

Do you have a thriving business?Do you have a team of coaches that needs to be centralized under one app?Are you looking for more resources and ways to boost your productivity?Do you need to be able to customize your client's journey from beginning to end?

Then you need Coach Catalyst.

With Coach Catalyst, you can:

  • Deliver your personal programs. Want to create your own nutrition or accountability coaching journey? We've got you covered.
  • Automate unnecessary work. Focus on the tasks that help your clients see results; leave the rest to us.
  • Stay on brand. Everything on the app can be customized and built to accommodate your branding needs.

Your time is valuable. Don't use other accountability apps that further drain your resources. Instead, use Coach Catalyst.

Start your
14-day trial

Get started today with the #1 Software for Overwhelmed Coaches to start scaling your business without adding any extra work. Be up and running within 5 minutes!


Brian has spent the last 12 years fine-tuning his skills as a coach and movement specialist to help people move and feel better than ever before. He has worked with and learned from some of the industry's most revered coaches and personal trainers, like Adam Bornstein, Tim Skwiat, and Justin Kavanaugh. He has held multiple certifications through Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Precision Nutrition (Pn2), and ONNIT. In 2018, Brian founded Motive Training, a personal training organization that teaches clients how to move with purpose, ensuring they have a well-rounded, functional body. You can find Motive Training in Grand Rapids, MI, and Austin, TX.



Accountability, Accountability Coaching Software, Coach Catalyst, Coaching, System in place

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