August 30

Online Coaching: Automation < Personalization


Believe it or not, back in 2010, online coaching was a pretty lucrative business practice. Many newcomers in the coaching business probably think online coaching took off because of COVID, but it's been a legitimate business strategy in our field going back even beyond 2010.

The online coaching business was an email, text, and word document service in the good old days. It was simple but effective. Coaches often delivered workouts over email or via PDFs with links to blurry YouTube videos showing how to squat and deadlift. They maintained communication with their clients in any way they needed to, and they did it often. Hopping on phone calls to talk about macros was a part of the coaching practice and not something they made their clients pay extra for. 

Most career coaches-even those with the most expertise-didn't have an online coaching business with bells or whistles. It was as basic as you can imagine, and so were the offerings. Video conferencing wasn't a thing. Group coaching wasn't really possible. Premium packages didn't exist and new clients were obtained through referrals because social media wasn't a legitimate marketplace yet.

Since then, things have changed. New coaches are flooding the market, and the need for better coaching tools has skyrocketed. Technology has offered unique ways to set goals, organize client programs, communicate, track progress, gain new clients, etc. The services you can offer are exponential; you be a life coach, a nutrition coach, an exercise coach, and the list goes on from there.

Furthermore, a lot of the manual labor of coaching has been removed and replaced with automation, calculators, templates, and mobile apps.

And all of that is great. The more we can elevate our field, the better. However, it's essential you understand that you are the most important part of your coaching business, not the tools use you use to coach.

“We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.”

Results Are King, But Personality Matters.

In the early 2012s, every online coach I knew sent their exercise programs through Google Docs. It was an easy way to create workouts and deliver them to clients in a short amount of time. Nowadays, it would be strange to have a client pay hundreds of dollars per month just to get a piece of paper with a workout on it.

People want results. Period. If you have the tools necessary to help your clients crush their goals, you will be massively successful in this business. And that goes for those of you still using Google Docs to deliver programs. 

However, your clients also want investment from you as their coach. They feel a bond with the person they believe is helping them achieve their goals. 

Think about it. How many coaches do you know with booming businesses strictly because they have an attractive personality? Maybe their website isn't great, or their offerings are subpar. They might lack experience or be new to the coaching field completely. But they sure know how to draw potential clients in with the energy they give off.

Who you are, what you represent, and how you coach are equally as important as the results you get. 

The tools you use to get results matter, but not nearly as much as the coaching it takes to get there.

You Can't Take The Coach Out of Coaching.

If you want to run a successful online coaching business or in-person coaching practice, you need to be a part of that process. You can't automate yourself out of the equation.

Coach Catalyst was built on this premise, which is why I love it. They use software to bring relevant information to the forefront so people like you can take action. Sure, Coach Catalyst wants to make your life easier so you can do the things that help you grow, scale, and increase your income, but they're not trying to make you replaceable.

Coach Catalyst is not entirely automated, but it's not a cumbersome, manually-driven app. Instead, it's a delicately balanced system helping you spend time where you need it most: coaching your clients.

Too many new coaches are looking for an online coaching platform so they can do less work and make more money. Unfortunately, they think software will do it all. 

In reality, you should use technology to make you a better coach and give you the ability to help more people–not replace your existence entirely.

The success of your online coaching business or in-person coaching practice is contingent on your involvement--don't forget that.

Not Another Training App.

Coach Catalyst bridges the gap between automation and personalization, allowing you to fine-tune every aspect of your coaching process. As a result, you'll do more effective work and less monotonous drudgery in your day-to-day business.

You can leverage your experience and expertise to improve your client's health. You can do more things to elevate your client's quality of life.

And that's the goal. Get in front of your clients, show them you care, and help them on their health and fitness journey.

You don't need another training app to do that.

You need Coach Catalyst.

If you think you're a good fit, reach out to me directly and I'll talk to you more about why Coach Catalyst rocks. Or, jump right in and start your free trial today.

Start your
14-day trial

Get started today with the #1 Software for Overwhelmed Coaches to start scaling your business without adding any extra work. Be up and running within 5 minutes!


Brian has spent the last 12 years fine-tuning his skills as a coach and movement specialist to help people move and feel better than ever before. He has worked with and learned from some of the industry's most revered coaches and personal trainers, like Adam Bornstein, Tim Skwiat, and Justin Kavanaugh. He has held multiple certifications through Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Precision Nutrition (Pn2), and ONNIT. In 2018, Brian founded Motive Training, a personal training organization that teaches clients how to move with purpose, ensuring they have a well-rounded, functional body. You can find Motive Training in Grand Rapids, MI, and Austin, TX.



Coach Catalyst, Coaching, communication

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