July 16

When Accountability Failed Me


Your clients need to know that someone out there also wants to see them succeed. Someone out there cares.

Kane Sivesind

The definition of accountability revolves around responsibility.

As an adult, there’s a litany of things we must be responsible about. 

We must pay our mortgage on time otherwise we’ll lose our house. 

We must pay our car payment on time to keep our car. 

We must show up to work to get paid.

We have to budget in order to afford basic things like groceries and running water. 

All of these tasks are just the most basic responsibilities of adulthood. These most basic tasks don’t even include chasing after our goals and ambitions. 

Let’s be honest. Adulting is exhausting. It takes up a lot of time and energy and if I’m being honest, it can feel rather hard to accomplish anything beyond these tasks. 

Sometimes we need real accountability to help us chase after those goals. 

As an entrepreneur, I know just how hard this truly is. In order to achieve my goals, I must be productive. 

But I’ve noticed something…

I am actually MORE productive when I block out a small break in my day and practice mindfulness. Do I always practice it? Of course not.  We live in a culture defined by hustling so much that I will actually skip my mindfulness break telling myself I didn’t work hard enough today. 

I’ll literally think to myself, “I don’t have time to take this break,” or “I haven’t gotten enough done to take this break.” 

This thinking always backfires because I hit the typical brain fog by 2 pm. I can’t have that at 2 pm, I have more work I need to put in!

You see the problem? 

Because business is hardwired in my brain, I couldn’t rationalize taking a break. 

So let me tell you what I did: 

I downloaded Headspace on my phone and set a daily reminder to take my mindfulness break. This seemed like a great solution to my problem except…

it miserably failed.

Let me explain. 

Every single day I would receive a notification on my phone that looked like this: 

You may be thinking, Kane this is a great picture of you and your daughter . . . what’s the problem?!

The problem is this notification looks like the other 100 notifications I receive every single day. This did nothing for me! In fact, I went onto Headspace recently to check out my stats and I was shocked. My most recent activity in Headspace was four months ago! That’s ridiculous! 

Because I failed at being accountable to my goal, it got me thinking . . . If this is what we base Coach Catalyst on, then why can’t I follow through with it?? I mean c’mon, I’m supposed to be the best at this! And then it hit me. 

Real accountability has a human behind it.

I know . . . whoa. 

This is completely true though. Let’s think about it. Any major goal you want to achieve usually has a person holding you accountable to it. 

Let’s take a look: 

You really want to save to afford a house. Well, your significant other will definitely be holding you accountable to that! 

You want to be patient and well-mannered. Your kids will hold you accountable to that - they watch everything you do! 

You want to stop eating out while on your lunch break. Your co-workers will see you walk out that door at lunch time if you break that. 

You see? It all revolves around humans holding you accountable - whether you asked them to or not. 

And that’s exactly why people are successful using Coach Catalyst. Behind the notifications is a real person who actually sees if the client crushed their goals or not. If I see one of my clients didn’t check-in, you better believe they’ll receive a personal message from me - and continue to until they do check-in!

Accountability requires you to take action. Coach Catalyst makes the process easier for you. Sure, you could just allow CC to send your clients notifications, but nothing will change for your clients unless you hold them accountable to it. Your clients need to know that someone out there also wants to see them succeed. Someone out there cares.

Coach Catalyst makes this process very simple, but it requires you as a coach to also be apart of the process.

 Remember, real accountability doesn’t occur without a person behind it.


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