Over the past seven years, I've done hundreds of sit downs with new clients at my gym. Whether you call these Success Sessions, evaluations, assessments, consultations, it doesn't matter.
I'm sure you've done you're fair share as well.
But it wasn't until a couple years ago that I started seeing a pattern. And no, I'm not talking about the L AIC pattern (if you get that you're a PRI nerd like me ). I'm talking about what people really need. The missing link to reaching their fitness goals.
At the beginning, I always thought people came to us for our expertise. We knew the body and movement patterns so well. We could write some of the best workouts around. "That's why they come to us," I convinced myself.
But there was a pattern within these sessions. I would ask our new clients about their workout history, assuming it was either pretty bleak or they were confused at exercise execution.
I was wrong.
Most of the people had worked out for a majority of their life. They, generally, knew what to do. They could squat decently. Could things be improved? Of course! But exercise execution wasn't what was holding them back.
"Well it must be nutrition!!" I thought to myself.
And yes, most of our new clients needed help with their nutrition. A lot of help! But it wasn't what I thought.
We had nutrition handouts we gave to all new clients coming to our gym. They talked about all the basics: eating fruits and veggies, getting enough protein, drinking water, eating slowly. All the things we preach all day long.
I assumed this would help them make changes with their nutritional habits. I mean, how couldn't you?!? The information was so compelling you'd have to be crazy to not listen to it.
But again, I was wrong.
People already knew this stuff.
"Wait I should eat more fruits and veggies? No one every told me that," said no one. Ever.
So what was it?
It wasn't the workouts or nutrition information. What was the true missing link to their fitness? What was preventing them from reaching their goals?
One. Simple. Word.
They knew what to do. They had all the information. And honestly, with about $25 worth of equipment, YouTube and the internet, they have everything they need to come up with a pretty good workout and nutrition plan.
But nobody does that.
So it's not a lack of information. It's a lack of execution. A lack of accountability holding them to their plan.
That is the missing link. That is what you need to be selling to your clients.
Not that you have state-of-the-art equipment. Not the TV's hanging in the gym. Not even the HIIT style workouts you'll lead them through.
Focus on what's going to make the biggest difference in their results. If you can keep them accountable, they'll get results. Plain and simple.
You just need to make sure you can do it!
So instead of focusing on new workouts and new nutrition plans, start focusing your efforts on how to increase accountability with your clients.
I guarantee, you won't be disappointed with the results:)