February 4

How Coaches Can Monitor Client Progress Remotely Using Coach Catalyst



Personalized Nutrition Coaching

A How-To Guide


STEP 1: Create a Personalized Nutrition Program Template

This is definitely not as complicated as it sounds. 

Step 1: Create a new program

Step 2: Name the program "Personalized Nutrition Program" or some other fancy name you want your clients to feel good about. 

Step 3: Create one habit called "Weclome"

Step 4:  Create one lesson titled "Welcome" 

Step 5:  Fill in content in your lesson and also a question and action for your habit.  

The lesson just explains the program the client is embarking on and lays out any expectations for the program.  This is also a great place to talk about Coach Catalyst, the daily check-ins, the communication portal, and metrics if you are using them.  

The question we typically use for a welcome habit is "Did you read your lesson yesterday?" or "Are you ready to dominate your habit?"

Don't overthink it. 

Now, when you want to have a client you want to do personalized nutrition coaching with you add them to this 1 habit program. 

Once the client is added you will be able to add in additional habits that the client may need from the database which we will talk about next. 

STEP 2:  Create Habit Databases

Now that the Personalized Nutrition Program is all set-up we need a database of habits to be able to add from.

This database will always be evolving as we add new habits to the database or modify existing ones.  

Important Note:  NEVER assign a client to the database program as that will hinder your ability to add habits.  If you do, simply copy the database and you will be able to edit and add again. 

We suggest having a few different databases, or as many as you need, that are themed either by habit type (Vegetables), duration (7 Day Habits), or something like fat loss or muscle gain.    

Another point to think about is how you name your habits.  Coming up with a naming nomenclature will make it much easier to identify the appropriate habit you want, especially as your database grows.  

So, instead of naming your habit vegetables.  You could name it Veggie3fist7d.  This would translate into a 7 day Vegetable habit with the question and action being did you eat 3 fists of vegetables.

This way you could have multiple variations on the same habit.  Like Veggie5fist7d, Veggie5fist14d, Veggie1fist7d.  All of these habits could utilize the same content and the differences would be in habit length and/or habit question.  

STEP 3: Execution 

Now that you have your structure set-up it's time to find some clients.  

After each meeting with a client you will decide on what they are going to work on for the next 7 or 14 days.  

If you already have that habit created, good, add it to their account.  If you need to modify a current habit you will go to your database a create a new habit or copy and modify an existing one. 

Once this is done, you will able to assign the newly created/modified habit to your client. 

One important note is that you will want to meet with your client before their current habit is up so that you will have some time to put their new habit in their account.  If they finish their habit before they come to you the program will end and you will have to start anew.  

Personalized coaching can be a high ticket item you can add to your practice without being a major headache.  

If you have any questions, reach out in our Facebook Group or support@coachcatalyst.com 

Happy Coaching! 

Coach Trevor


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