
Get Fit NH - Clean & Lean Challenge
Today we have an in-depth look at one of our most successful #supercoach combos: Dean and Nancy Carlson.

Dean and Nancy own and operate Get Fit NH out in New Hampshire where they have two facilities: one in Concord, NH and the other in Epsom, NH.
Nancy is the primary coach at the Epsom facility and kills it!
“I think just the Epsom business by itself would be the envy of a lot of business owners as far as number of clients and how well she does with that,” says Dean.
The Concord facility is a little bit bigger and has five coaches (including Dean), an administrative assistant and Nancy as the primary nutrition coach.
“We serve about 430 clients total between the two facilities, so it's kind of a cool set-up.”
Get Fit NH was a very early adopter of Coach Catalyst and has used it in many different ways in their business. They are currently using it for their new member onboarding sequence as well as personalize nutrition.
But where they really thrive is running successful challenges!
Every summer, Get Fit NH runs a Sizzling Summer Slimdown (S3) and we are going to give you an inside look at exactly how they set it up, market their challenge and run it with over 250 participants.
Let’s go!
Initial Set Up
In a nutshell, S3 is a 6 week transformation challenge Get Fit NH has run for the past seven summers. Each year is a little bit different and better than the year before.
This year, they used one of our programs within Coach Catalyst as the framework.
“I feel like this year, with Clean & Lean rolling out, it just took it up a whole 'nother notch.”
Dean went through all the done-for-you content to tweak some lessons slightly and add their own voice, which we always recommend, but overall used the lessons as designed.
“We had Coach Catalyst customized the cheat-sheets for us, with our logo on them. I think that just makes a big difference as far as the final end product.”
Since most of the content and handouts were already done, all Dean and Nancy had to worry about were the weekly check-ins.
“The set-up on that challenge does take a little while, but it's worth it. If you work yourself through it - step by step - and really focus on getting it ready to go, once it was up and running, it was smooth sailing. It was awesome!”
Used the Clean & Lean Challenge framework with a few tweaks as well as the customized handouts. The main set-up work was creating the weekly and final check-in forms.
To say their S3 challenge was a success is an understatement…
Get Fit NH ended up signing up 252 participants!
Their pricing structure was simple:
Current Clients: $39 on top of their normal membership
Family and Friends: $77 for just the challenge and a training option for $367
“We’ve run that pricing strategy the last couple of years and that's worked out really well,” said Dean.
They rely on their current members to help bring in new participants but there is one big draw that takes care of almost all their marketing…
A big prize package at the end!
You see, Get Fit NH take half their revenue on the challenge (training and intake fees) and puts it straight towards prizes.
By doing this, you mitigate how much of a prize you put out at the end. Plus it incentivizes participants to encourage their friends and family to join. The more participants the bigger the end prize you could win!
Big prize money can help bring in more participants and drum up interest for your next challenge!
This years S3 Challenge was a team challenge with winners determined by a point system.
Participants received points for:
- Compliance percentages (ie over 90% = x points, over 80% = y points)
- Completing weekly check-ins
- Completing the mid-challenge measurements
Combining all of these with their end result (inches lost on waist and hips) determined the end winners.
Not only did they utilize the Clean & Lean program within CC but Get Fit NH really embraced the communication features within the software.
While they did have a private Facebook group for their challenge, they realized that wouldn’t reach everyone.
“We were pretty diligent to be on Facebook, but when you have the ability to message people individually, that's speaks to the more private person who doesn't really want to put themselves out there. We encourage the more group interaction because it's easier to coach, but you're not gonna reach everybody that way."
The bulk messaging feature was a big hit as a time saver for their coaches.
“Several times during the challenge, we just sent out a bulk message to everybody and get tons of feedback that way," explained Nancy.
And if anyone had a question it was answered right away.
“They don't have to wait a week. They don't have to wait until the next time they get into the gym. That was super helpful, and it kept people going.”
They were also able to reach everyone who was at-risk easily and find out what they hang-up was. If the message didn’t work, they would follow up with a phone call.
“These people are struggling really bad, we need to reach out, we need to find that struggle issue and solve it.”
This is the exact way the software is meant to function. Not as a replacement for you, the coach, but as an augmentation.
“It enhances your coaching. It makes your coaching process easier. It helps you keep track better, particularly when you're working with a larger group of people.” - Dean
This also helped differentiate their S3 Challenge over anything else around. It helped them connect with 252 people all at once.
Instead of ‘Hey here's the information and we're not gonna ever talk to you again,’ it was ‘As often as you want to talk to us, we're gonna talk right back to you.'
"Having that internal messaging right on that same platform, it's a game-changer, as far as the coaching process goes.”
Using the communication features inside Coach Catalyst can help you coach a huge group with minimal added work. It can also create a personal connection for those who don't love posting in Facebook groups for everyone to see.
The Results!
All of this is fine and dandy but what everyone wants to know is, in the end, what were the results of the challenge!
Well, I think there were pretty dang good…
- 1362 pounds lost
- 250 inches lost off waistlines
- 158 inches lost off hips
- 252 participants
- Over $11,000 in revenue!!
- Total prize package of $5,500
Get Fit NH not only brought in a big boost in revenue, they also were able to keep engagement after the challenge.
They had numerous clients say “hey, I really like that, I want to keep going” with their daily questions. This lead right into a new revenue stream for them.
It’s not too often we get clients coming up to us saying “Hey I’ll pay you a subscription every month if we can just keep doing this.” Well that was a reality at Get Fit NH!
Thank you to Dean and Nancy Carlson as well as everyone at Get Fit NH who allowed us to take a look behind their most recent challenge.
If you want to test drive the same software that allowed Get Fit NH to bring in $11,000 for their S3 Challenge, click below to start your 30-day trial for only $1.