Fit Friday Roundup - 6/16/17
Very little witty (my last name is Wittwer, so whether or not it is actually witty doesn't matter) commentary this week.
Gym is buzzing, Coach Catalyst is pumping our new free challenges left and right for our users (just released a 28-day vegetable challenge today complete with a professionally designed cookbook) so life is busy.
But, in the spirit of Fit Friday, here are your articles for the week.
Hot Off The Press
Tip: Train at a Higher Level With Tactical Breathing - Dr. John Rusin (T-Nation)
Breathing is important, especially under stress. Learn how to incorporate it with your clients!
Podcast: Maximizing Strength, Improving Mindset, and Becoming the World's Fittest Man - Jason Khalipa - Tim Ferris Podcast
I like most of Tim Ferriss's stuff, this doesn't disappoint.
The Most Dangerous Exercise - Collection of Authors (T-Nation)
Lots of great insights from lots of great coaches coaching actual people. No internet trolls allowed.
Healthy Diet? That Depends On Your Genes - Cornell University (Science Daily)
Like most things in health and fitness the answer it depends. Seems like diet is the same way. Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, remember those terms.
This is the future of nutrition.
But, until we get nutrigenetics into a handy fast food snack only about 1% of the population will even care.
Why Weight Training Is Ridiculously Good For You - Markham Heid (TIME)
Yes, stronger people are harder to kill.
Godin Wisdom
Fear of success is at least as big a challenge as fear of failure.
Because if it works, things are going to change.
Are you ready for that?
-Seth Godin
Brought to you by the dudes behind Coach Catalyst, a coach's dream software.
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