The Absolute Best Done-For-You Challenge Out There

Cut Your Challenge Workload In Half

Have you run a challenge in your gym before just to get overwhelmed by more work? 

What was supposed to give you a big boost in business instead ending up taking you more time and manpower than you ever thought. This also ended up diluting the best attribute of your gym: YOUR COACHING!

You were not able to spend as much time with your new members as you would have liked and all of your current members went on the backburner - just because you wanted to give them something extra. 

Well if this sounds like something that has happened to you in the past, we have the solution for YOU!

Introducing the Clean & Lean Challenge in Coach Catalyst

Coach Catalyst will finally give you the system and the structure you need to be able to coach all of your clients in the exact way you want. 

No more chasing down paper work or manually entering data into a spread sheet. No more guessing who is staying compliant or who needs to be coached up.

Run your next challenge with Coach Catalyst and do what you do best: COACH!​

What Others Are Saying

Since we've added Coach Catalyst we've increased our transformation challenge participation by about 200%. During the last two challenges we've had our best months of the quarter and added an additional 10 additional members each time.

It's also helped keep our current clients more motivated and has improved our retention rate considerably! We absolutely love the program!

Marshall Ray 
Faster Fitness

Since we've added Coach Catalyst we've increased our transformation challenge participation by about 200%. During the last two challenges we've had our best months of the quarter and added an additional 10 additional members each time.

It's also helped keep our current clients more motivated and has improved our retention rate considerably! We absolutely love the program!

Marshall Ray 
Faster Fitness

How It Works


Coach Catalyst will deliver a daily accountability check-in directly to your client's smart phone or inbox.

This check-in will ask them if they were compliant with the challenge guidelines the previous day.


After checking YES or NO, your clients will be re-directed to a lesson enforcing the importance of eating Clean & Lean as well as providing motivation to stay compliant. 


As a coach, you can login and see exactly how everyone is doing in real time. 

No more guessing who is thriving and who is just surviving the challenge. No more clients slipping through the cracks! Now you can reach out to those who are struggling and get them back on track!​


Have a client who is struggling? Or another who you want to congratulate on their success?

Easily send a direct message right to their smart phone without giving out your personal cell phone number. All of your conversations are housed in one location so you never have to dig through your cluttered inbox again.​


Use Coach Catalyst to track and graph any metric you want (weight, body fat %, circumferences) as well store progress photos for each client. 

Clients can log in and view their progress directly on their app. No more exporting spreadsheets and emailing them out one at a time!


The 6-week Clean and Lean Challenge is based around one goal: "Getting clients to eat real food!"

The beauty of this challenge is its simplicity for the client. No calorie counting or cycling of macronutrients. Eat real food,thats the name of the game. We built this challenge different. Instead of a long 20 page guide no one reads we broke it down into simple, visual 1-page guides created by a professional designer.

We also decided in this challenge to add an extra week we are calling "prep week." This week doesn't "technically" count as part of the challenge but prepares systematically for the challenge. By looking at compliance scores we will know who is ready to start on day 1 and who isn't. You can see the prep week topics below.

The lessons in this challenge are all brand new. We touch on topics of self-motivation, findingyour why, and circles of control just to name a few. We challenge the clients each with a movement challenge and a facebook challenge to drive engagement in the facebook groups. We include lessons for weekly check-ins (paired with google forms) to give clients a chance to answer open-ended questions and ask questions of their coaches. At the end, we also include a lesson to link to a survey so you collect testimonials and find ways to improve next time.

This challenge is built for maximum engagement from the client side.

If you would like all of the physical documents branded please let us know here. You can view a sample of branded documents here.

Extra Challenge Resources Included

Coach Challenge Checklist

  • We created a short manual to talk you, the coach, through the in's and out's of this challenge
  • We highlighted and clearly indicated all the places where you need to link to things like your facebook group, google weekly check-in form, and end of the challenge survey

Real Food Pinterest Recipe Page 

  • Goodbye to printouts of recipes you can't update.  We created a Pinterest Page just for this challenge. That way you don't have to spend time pulling together recipes no one looks at anyways. And, it will be constantly updated as we find new stuff. Feel free to utilize ours (we left out all our branding) or steal the idea and create your own.

Challenge PrintOuts

  • Facebook Challenges
    • 1 new challenge each week to drive Facebook group engagement
  • Movement Challenges
    • 1 new challenge each week to get your clients moving more at home

One Page Guides/Templates

  • Weekly Check-In / Progress Tracking Guide
  • Clean Eating Guide
  • Meal Mapping Template
  • Ultimate Shake Guide
  • Ultimate Breakfast Guide
  • Bulk Cooking Guide
  • Facebook Challenge Summary Guide
  • Movement Challenge Summary Guide
  • Meal Portion Guide

Ability to Brand to You

  • Brand all the guides with your colors and your business name built into the Clean and Lean logo.  

If your client's aren't blown away by the simplicity and layout of this

challenge you might need some new clients :)

How To Get It

All new Coach Catalyst members get a FREE 30-Day Trial to see if it is the right system for you. As a thank you for joining, we are throwing in the Clean & Lean Challenge ($300 Value) for FREE

All you have to do is sign up for a 30-day trial and request access to the program below. To see pricing of Coach Catalyst after the trial period click here.


Click below to sign up for a FREE 30-Day Trial to Coach Catalyst
and get access to the Clean & Lean Challenge!